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Inicio > Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes > Oración Jubilee prayer Mercedario 2018 (inglés)

Oración Jubilee prayer Mercedario 2018 (inglés) a Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes

Oración enviada por xanitu hace 6 años
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Mother of Mercy,
who aroused in your servant Peter Nolasco
the desire to imitate Christ the Redeemer,
dedicating his life to the service of the poorest
among the poor, the captives;
in preparing ourselves to celebrate the Mercedarian Jubilee,
we ask you to raise our prayers to the Father,
the source of mercy,
so that we may be able to contemplate
the face of your Son in the face of the captives of today
and offer joyfully, filled with the Holy Spirit,
our lives as the coin of redemption
for our brothers
who live deprived of freedom without hope
in the new peripheries of captivity.


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